Now I have been busy with work and life in general for past few weeks so apologies for skipping a month of posting here. Its a rare event and hasn’t happened in literally years.
Any way back to the topic at hand. Since returning to the UK last year I noticed from every day life a change in the types of people walking the streets. They look like they are “dodgy” as we say here in the UK. Something not right about them, they look “rough” or “chav-like”. Or you could call them in an old-fashioned way “scum”.
I thought it was just me thinking this, but after speaking with other people I know and then we did a bit of digging to see if we were imagining it. Low and behold! The MSM mainstream media articles start appearing declaring the “Prisons are at full capacity!” The prisons are apparently “full up”.
OMG I was dumbfounded and speechless.
The results of Social Decay
Apparently this has been a problem that has been building for years and now it at critical mass.
What are the authorities solution to the problem?
To release them EARLY from prison sentences and now are freely walking the streets of this country.
Its unbelievable. Now I know some of these individuals are “tagged” – having electronic devices around their ankles for example but how does this prevent them being a menace on the streets.
The are not ready to be on the streets, they are unsocialised and unready to be unleashed on the already stressed out and under-siege people of the UK.
Many in the MSM are quite happy with this state of affairs it seems. Now we know they are well protected in their gated communities and in extremely wealthy areas. The rest of us however will have to suffer the effects of this.
IMHO it is the result of there being zero men in the household and the explosion of single mothers in the UK.