Boy oh boy, now I always knew my generation was a weak one but these younger GenZ guys take the biscuit…… As I have mentioned in previous blog posts such…
Are Modern Western Women WMDs?
KABOOOOM!!! As they used to say I dropped “da bomb” on that one. I know I am preaching to the converted here on my blog but to the odd stragglers…
Is Colombia Still A Good Travel Destination For Men?
My first visit to this interesting land was way back in 2015. That’s now almost 8 years ago. Time flies that’s for sure as we get older. I have visited…
A New Dark Age Begins When The Last Western Man Falls
The 90s and early 2000s. It was a confident time for people living in the Western World. Its easy to see why people who wrote books (historians in particular) could…
Dating Modern Women in the West is Mad
As they say its a mad mad world and they said that in the 20th Century way before the advent of social media. In the 19th century there was a…
NOT Kowtowing is Now A Revolutionary Act
Yes thats right how things have turned upside-down and inside out. The mere act of keeping your morals and principles and not conceding to social pressures and unjust authority is…
Muse this over Modern Western Women
Its becoming clear and obvious to even the average man that the situation with western women is untenable. Now with my travels I have begun to show you fellow red-pilled…
A New Western World of Weaklings, Women and Weirdos
Welcome to the West in 2021. Each epoch of time has its zeitgeist. From our so called leaders that we “elect” I believe are a reflection of the current times…
Back In Action: COLOMBIA 2021
Surprise! It was only a matter of time before I came back to the best of Tubeman777. Here I am in Colombia again and this time its personal. This is…
Should we Believe All Women?
When I hear certain celebrities and the mainstream dinosaur media repeating incessently about #believeAllWomen, #meTuTu etc I take seriously and give them the benefit of the doubt they are being…