
Latest Authoritarian Laws and The New Face of Terrorism in The UK

Oh dear, oh dear…..

I should really post more often I know, this has been a REALLY bad year for not only me posting on this blog but also for the general freedom of speech of my home country. The UK has officially gone bananas.

Yes erm we recently has an election in the UK around 6 weeks ago from the date of this post and well, some rather left leaning authoritarians were voted in by a rather naïve public looking to “get the Tories” back. Well hasn’t this back-fired no pun intended.

In my opioin and many other freedom lovers that remember the recent past this is not the British way and is unacceptable.

Slippery Slope of Tyranny

The world has been inverted. The old Eastern Block that used to be run by Communist Authoritarians has now embraced our former freedom and we are heading incredibly down into Totalitarianism, but with shiny computers.

The 2020s has been a wild ride, historians in the future will look back at this time and perhaps call it the decade of decadence and deception. I don’t believe the powers that be would have gotten away this this even ten years ago. That reminds me, which group of people were still around ten years ago? That’s right…. the Greatest Generation; the same generation that fought for our freedoms in a world war. They would not have permitted us to throw it all away that they sacrificed their friends lives for.

What can men do about it? Well we can fight of course, there are many ways of doing that. But how many would stand up to all this in 2024? The social engineers have a good measure of people now. People are content to keep their heads down as long as they are not directly thrown in prison. Well until they start arbitrarily doing that. Human nature and unlimited power doesn’t end well for people living underneath it.

What are they teaching in history classes these days? The history of LGBTQ+++++ ????


Now the Benny Hill show was never really my cup of tea, a little dated but ultimately quite harmless. It was of its time. But now in our humourless world of 2024 ( or should I say a weird 1984) its now the most extreme material that will deprive you of your rights. (Since its classed as terrorism).

Imagine an empty dark room rusty floor, but for a chair in the middle. A man strapped to with a cloth wrapped over his face, then being water boarded (simulated drowning) for the uninitiated. Later after you have confessed; are then thrown into a max security prison without trial and then later in the canteen with the other inmates (serial killers, real terrorists what have committed mass murder and other heinous crimes) the sheer embarrassment of having to confess your crimes!

Its a kind of Madness

The new generations (Gen Z and Gen Alpha) are growing up into a world that is upside-down and perverse. They will have no concept of the freedoms we enjoyed that cost millions of lives during 1939-45 and are quite happy I believe as long as they can lay down and be entertained.

Peoples aspirations have been decimated and replaced with sullen acceptance of a dull and oppressive future. They say we will own nothing and be happy.

To the new generations coming of age in this time of insanity I believe they will be happy and dumb, they will not have known anything else.

Tubeman 777

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